The State Department's analysis is not only inaccurate but also incredibly cynical.
March 1, 2013 |
You know the news is going to be bad when they bury it at 4pm on a
Friday. We dealt with this for eight years during the Bush
administration. I never thought we'd be doing it again under John
Kerry's State Department.
The State Department's analysis of the Keystone XL
pipeline proposal acknowledges that tar sands crude is 17 percent more
greenhouse gas intensive than conventional oil. But State says that the
overall environmental impacts of the pipeline are limited because,
according to their analysis, the oil would be mined and drilled anyway.
That's not accurate. Currently, 1.8 million barrels of oil per day are
being produced in the tar sands. Permits have already been issued that
would allow that extraction to expand to 5 million barrels of oil per
day, and the oil industry would like to go even higher. But the oil
industry is the first to admit that it needs new pipeline capacity
before it can expand:
"When I talk to producers in Alberta, as long
as Keystone XL goes ahead, they view that there's pretty sufficient
takeaway capacity to get us to late in the next decade." --Alex
Pourbaix, president of energy and oil pipelines, Transcanada
"All of the crude oil export pipelines are
pretty much full, running at maximum capacity... And we're not likely to
see any meaningful capacity added to these networks until the end of
the year." --Vern Yu, VP of business development and market
development, Enbridge, Inc.
So the State Department's analysis is not only inaccurate
but also incredibly cynical. By this same logic, why would anyone in
North America stop new coal plants from being built, if the coal would
just be burned in China and India anyway? Why would we try to replace
fracked gas or mountaintop-removal coal with solar and wind, if we're
powerless as a country to lead the world to a clean energy economy? This
is shockingly defeatist thinking from a bureaucracy that is now led by
someone who has been a proven and courageous champion of the climate
throughout his career.
I spent this morning on a press conference with Mayor
Michael Bloomberg discussing how we've succeeded in securing the
retirement of 142 coal plants over the past couple of years. Although
we've begun to see a clean energy turnaround outside the Beltway, we're
still looking for a real sign of strong leadership inside Washington,
D.C. Instead, we keep hearing about the inevitability of fossil fuels:
All the oil will be burned, no matter how extreme; coal and natural gas
should be mined, drilled and fracked, then exported if necessary. Too
often, we even hear these tired arguments from climate champions who
should know better.
President Obama needs to reconcile his soaring oratory on
climate with strong action to turn away from dirty fuels like tar sands
oil. Today, the State Department made the president's job much more
difficult. But it's still not too late to stop this pipeline. We have
until mid-April to speak out and show the president that there is a
national movement demanding he keep his climate promises.
Send your message to the administration today.
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